Samsung smart tv application
Samsung smart tv application

samsung smart tv application

We support Widevine DRM on Tizen 3+ devices. The VAST parser can be selected with player setting

samsung smart tv application

It should be noted that since the HTML5 Google IMA SDK is not officially supported in a Samsung Smart TV app, the preferred solution is to use our VAST parser rmp-vast. We do support using video ads in a web-based Tizen TV app. Your streaming source - DASH in this example Player code example for using the TV skin.

samsung smart tv application

Skins documentation for more information. The tv-optimized player skin can be enabled through the skin setting set to 'tv'. Other player skins can also be used in a context of a smart This skin defaults to a full window mode ideal for a fullscreen experience on larger displays. We provide an out-of-box tv-optimized player skin to help you get started with your TV app. (4) See the Widevine DRM support in smart TV apps section.(3) DVR streams will be treated as regular live streams.(2) See the video ads support in smart TV apps section.(1) HLS streaming is only supported with hlsEngine: 'shakaplayer' setting (in CMAF/fmp4 HLS format).

Samsung smart tv application